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XXX Readme, ver. 0.5823, Rev. June 2000
1. Systemrequirements
2. Installation
3. Story
4. Controls
5. Leveleditor
6. Disclaimer
7. Credits
1. Systemrequirements
80 MHz
Win95, Win98 or Win2K
DirectX 6.X or higher
electric power
Pentium I
100 MHz
Win95, Win98 or Win2K
DirectX 6.X oder higher
good keyboard
big screen
sufficient electrical energy
superflous good system config:
Pentium III
1 GHz
512 MB RAM
Windows 3K
DirectX 75.08 oder less
3D Accelerator
voice control software
screen projector
atomic core in cellar
2. Installation
To install the game, just doubleclick on the setup icon. The installation programm
will guide you through the rest of the installation process!
Have questions? Contact us at http://Back2D.2XS.net
3. Story
2000 a.d.. The scenery is the antique Wipperfuerth, a town, which name is a synonym for
the organized crime. In this town, there┤s a closed asylum. Here it all begins....
You are Jack. Jack Napier. Waking up in the middle of the night in your small room,
seeing the moon, makes you know your quest! Nothing will hold you from fulfilling this
quest! Not your strait-jacket nor your daily ration of pills.
You fall asleep. Consequent. And dream...:
2500 a.d.. You awake in a rendered 3D-World, surrounded by perfect textures, 30 million
texels per second, constant 60 frames and a 3D Sound, that makes your blood freeze in your
artery! You look down at yourself. You are a Mark 5 Fighting Robot, armed to destroy
the dark lord Hendrik, slave-driver of thousands of computer experts, in a gigantic
showdown! You are armed with the wohle arsenal of the UFPMES (United Federation of Planets
and Moons, except Sirius). Nothing can stop ya! Your nearly perfect programmed artificial
intelligence knows it┤s mission. Nothing can get in your way. Except the tiny programming
error in the AI procedure, trademark Bordelbardel.
You already begin to feel the effect of this programming error, you feel unable to resist
gravity. You fall to the ground! Not that this gravity would be too strong, no, it is, as
usual in futurisic LA, at 9.81 N/kg, inertia doesn┤t listen anymore to Newton┤s laws...
..not since this accident in 2324, caused by the grandgrandfather of lord Hendrik,
C.C.Blechschaedel. "Enough of history!!" you think by yourself! Lying on the floor, you
begin to scan the skyscrapers, which are threatening to crash above you! Monuments of the
modern civilisation, built years ago by the brilliant architect Van B°rdgen, with spritual
support by his "Prediger". Suddenly, your main energy fades! You┤re trying to activate your
emergency energy. Not much more energy than in a solar-clock feeds your cerebral cortex!
You feel weak! You know, there isn┤t much hope left! "Damn programming error!" you think.
Suddenly, you have an idea!!
"Under help of desintegrated kalciniating correlations-stimuli is it possible to make the
semilinear polyandry of the refractured interdependanceparakme under observation of the
amorph isoquants at simultan synchron dephlegmation that way relative, that a imputability
of the eprigonetic consens is mostly rationaliated."
Or shorter: You make your CPU build a metaphoric picture, rather than check uncompiled
sourcecode. Because of the lack of energy, you are a bit disappointed...twodimensional
jumpinggame...but coloured. In the back you recognize some flashes of your RAM. Time has
come!! You may not lose any time!
Lead your last few electrical impulses through the transcendental sureality of a dying
artifical intelligence, rugged by a programming error!
But watch out! Only if you make it, the Mark 5 can kick the evil lord Hendrik into a
cryogen chamber.
And only if he makes it, Jack Napier has got no nightmare!
Only then, the world will be good again!
And only THEN I am playing with the thought of learning english!
4. Controls
After you started the game, a astonishing intro starts. If you are a epileptic person,
consult your doctor and watch the intro with his presence.
After the text has run through, you may push the SPACE BAR. Note: if you press the
SPACE BAR before the text ran through, the game becomes much more difficult!!
You are now in the main menu.
Here are the following submenus:
- New Game (F2)
Select this one to start...A NEW GAME!
- Play Own Maps
You got the oppurtunity to to access your last selfmade games, you played using menu #5,
user map. The last maps are listed here!
- Playername
Enter your name here, that your name can be listed in the hiscores, lateron.
- Sound
In this menu, you may switch off or on the sounds, and the music. We suggest, that
you keep the music TURNED ON!!
- User Map
Here you may select an own map, you stored in the games root folder. Type in the name
of that certain file.
- Multiplayer
Show your friends, who the master beyond the Back2D players is. By selecting this menu,
a adrenalin packed game begins, which is not tested yet...try out yourself! HAHA!
- Fullscreen (F4)
Explains itself, does it?
- 3D Acceleration
If you have a OpenGL Card, you may activate the 3D Acceleration, by selecting this and
pressing ENTER.
- Backgrounds
You have the oppurtunity to switch the backgrounds on/off.
- Credits
Who are the creators of man...ehr....Back2D?
-Load Gamestate
If you quit the game, you'll be asked to save your gamestate. If you have done so earlier,
you may load the gamestate by selecting this menu!
- Quit game (ALT+F4)
A superflous Option.
Tip of the month:
This menu can be accessed everywhere in the game, pressing the F1 Key!
In Game:
Control player #1 with the following keys:
RUN LEFT : Arrowkey left
RUN RIGHT : Arrowkey right
JUMP : Arrowkey up
WALK : Shift
If you're player #2
ACCELERATE FALLING : Arrowkey down (haha!)
- included!
5. Leveleditor
Get yourself a translation prog. That's too much! :oP
Mit jeder Version des Spiels erhalten Sie einen Leveleditor gratis! Er dient zum Erstellen eigener Level,
die sie ⁿbrigens jederzeit an uns schicken k÷nnen (http://Back2D.2xs.net). Die besten dieser Level
werden natⁿrlich auch in der Downloadarea ver÷ffentlicht.
AnwΣhlen sowie Platzieren der Objekte und Gegner geschieht mit der Maus.
Wichtig hierbei:
- durch Halten der linken Shift-Taste und gleichzeitigem Mausklick erhalten Sie
das letzte eingefⁿgte Objekt nochmals. Dies erleichtert das Einfⁿgen mehrerer
gleicher Objekte erheblich.
- das L÷schen versehentlich eingefⁿgter Objekte oder Gegner geschieht durch Drⁿcken der
linken Alt-Taste und gleichzeitigem Mausklick auf das zu l÷schende Objekt.
Die Kanone ist so konstruiert, da▀ sie nur nach rechts schie▀en kann (was schon ausreicht, nicht wahr Jens?).
Die Gegner, die einen festen Weg haben, gehen immer zuerst nach rechts. Das hei▀t, der Umkehrpunkt mu▀ auch
rechts von ihnen platziert werden. Achten sie hier auch darauf, da▀ der Umkehrpunkt nicht zu nah
am Boden oder an einem Hinderniss ist!
Im Menⁿpunkt "Optionen" haben sie die M÷glichkeit, das vorgegebene Raster auszuschalten
um die Objekte genauer platzieren zu k÷nnen.
Die jeweils untersten Stⁿcke der beiden BΣume sind fⁿr Spieler und Gegner durchlΣssig, d.h.
man kann sie als Spieler durchqueren, mu▀ aber auch damit rechnen, da▀ die Gegner mit
durchkommen. Ansonsten sind alle Objekte von unten und den Seiten (von oben sowieso)
6. Disclaimer
We are not responsible for any kind of harm the program does to your computer!!!
Download and use at your OWN RISK!
7. Credits
"Lord" Hendrik Friedel
Projektleitung, Einbinden der Prozeduren, Verbesserungen, nahezu sΣmtliche Kleinarbeiten.
HΣufigster Spruch: Bis Dienstag ist alles da! SP─TESTENS!!!
Jens "Bordel"Bardel
Kⁿnstliche Intelligenz der Gegner
Beschwerden ⁿber unbesiegbare Gegner an Jens...
und der verlorene Jesus...
Gero (van) B÷rdgen
Christian Prediger
Die beiden hatten viel Spa▀ dabei...
("Schon wieder abgestⁿrzt!")
Marco (Napier) Nassenstein:
Musik, Promotion, Speedcontrol (TM), Beta-Tester, Packungsdesign, Konzept... (Bla bla, schwafel...)
...und die beknackteste Story aller Zeiten...
Christoph "BlechschΣdel" Blechmann
Bewegung der Player, Gravitation, Credits
Special Thanks to:
Jens Wegerhoff
Hans "Meister" Kⁿlzer
Ohne ihn, unseren Lehrmeister in den letzten Jahren, wΣre das gesamte Projekt undenkbar...